Our History
our church was built shortly after Sunnybank rail station.
The church began with humble beginnings. The founders, Cyril Woff and Joseph Gager were both members of the United Protestant Church in 1913, (a church that didn’t practise communion or baptism). As these are both evident in the early church, Mr Woff and Mr Gager applied and asked permission to hold their won communion service after church at 11 am. This special service only lasted two Sundays before it was shut down by the church as it was against their doctrine.
After much discussion, the decision was made to then meet in their own homes. The first meeting was on the 21st June 1914. The church grew. As the district gave promise of becoming a populous suburb they decided to purchase a building site, the weekly offerings were 6/6 p.
The early church was never wealthy but only once went into debt. This was to borrow 50 pounds to erect a church building. The 32nd Annual conference of the Association was held in the Ann Street chapel April 1st 1915 It was at this conference that the Sunny bank Church of Christ was admitted into the Association.
In 1918 timber for the Chapel was bought from a saw miller at Woodridge. A building approximately 5 meters by 4 meters was erected. This first piece of land was not as central as they hoped so in 1922 the building was moved to the present site by a team of Clydesdale horses
On the 5 June 1937 the Sunny bank Church of Christ decided to transfer the deeds of their land to the trustees of the conference of associated Churches of Christ in Queensland.
Obviously many alterations and additions have been made to the original building. Mr Woff served as chairman of the Board for 30 years. Both Mr Woff and Mr Gager have streets in Sunnybank named after them.

Churches of Christ are not just another denomination. We are non-denominational and believe in the unity of all God’s people and desire that they should meet together for worship and prayer. We have no creed but Christ, no book but the bible, no name but the Divine name.
The church meets on the first day of the week for worship and communion as did the first Christians. We are Christian only but not the only Christians and desire to be known a simply as Christians.
Our beliefs and practices are confined to those found in the New Testament we believe in the total authority of the Scriptures less than the Bible is not enough more is too much.
Our aim is to lead men and women to a relationship with God through a personal encounter with His Son Jesus Christ. With Him all things are possible without Him we can do nothing.